Tuesday 5 December 2017

JOURNAL 3 : Status and Scope of Women Entrepreneurs

The present article deals with the concept of women entrepreneur, reasons to become entrepreneurs, advantages of women entrepreneur, present status, impediments, measures to remove obstacles, steps taken by the Indian Government in term of five year plans, schemes for promotion & development of women entrepreneurship in India and some leading women entrepreneurs of India.

The Government of India has defined a women entrepreneur is "An enterprise owned and controlled by a women having a minimum financial interest of 51% of the capital and giving at least 51% of the employment generated in the enterprise to women".

Review of Literature Women in India reveal that empowerment of women and development of women entrepreneurs to bring actual reality through constitutional goal of equality.

On "Women Entrepreneurs‟ Challenges and Strategies" analyses major constraints faced by women entrepreneurs and reflects upon specific policies and programmes for women entrepreneurship development.

The entry of women into Universal Journal of Management 3(2): 43-51, 2015business in India is traced out as an extension of their kitchen activities, mainly3P's, Pickle, Powder and Pap pad. But with the spread of education and passage of time women started shifting from 3P's to modern 3E's i.e., Energy, Electronics and Engineering.

conceptual framework of study

Reasons of women becomes entrepreneur 46 Status and Scope of Women Entrepreneurship 3) Access to training: Women have limited access to vocational and technical training.

7) Traditional views on the role of women in the society: The often prevailing attitude that the women's place is at home and that her first priority is to look after the home and family constrain many married women from venturing into entrepreneurship.

To respond to the needs of women it requires devising measures to integrate women as decision-makers, participants and beneficiaries in all relevant development activities and to address the totality of problems women face entrepreneurs, due to the wide spectrum of elements affecting the equitable participation of women in development.

To encourage more passive women entrepreneurs the Women training programmed should be organised that taught to recognise her own psychological needs and express them Support Needs of Women Entrepreneurs) Financial support: it includes the following: Low cost start up loans.

The Tenth Five-Year Plan aims at empowering women through translating the recently adopted National Policy for Empowerment of Women into action and ensuring Survival, Protection and Development of women and children through rights based approach.a

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